Sermon Series: Easter (5 Sermons)

Title: Sermon Series: Easter (5 Sermons)
Category: Sermon Series Idea
Subject: Sermon Series Idea

Easter Sermon Series Idea

A Five-Part Series Leading up to Easter

Dr. J. Mike Minnix, Editor

A five-part sermon series is offered as an idea leading up to and including Easter Sunday. It requires five services to complete, and the ideal way to share these messages is on five consecutive Sunday mornings. Of course, the preacher can decide to use only two, three or four of the messages and that will require fewer consecutive Sundays to complete the series. Also, the preacher may decide to preach a couple of the messages on Sunday nights, and in this way he can complete the series in just three Sundays. If all five messages are used on Sunday mornings, the preacher will start on a Sunday five weeks prior to Easter Sunday, and as a consequence, he will end the series on Easter Sunday morning with a message on the resurrection. The idea below contains some thoughts but does not contain outlines or texts.

It was my habit when I pastored to think months ahead and to line up my preaching schedule with the Sundays that I knew I would be in the pulpit. If there was a Sunday when I had to interrupt a series, I simply started the series a week early so as to end on the right date with the final message. It was important for me to remain open to the moving of the Holy Spirit to replace a message with a totally different subject and text as divinely directed; however, there is a biblical basis for planning.

Jesus came in the fullness of time.

God planned His coming before the foundation of the world.

The preacher must not be afraid to pray and plan ahead in his preaching schedule. This also allows the preacher to create a file and search for illustrations, quotes and other information to be used in the sermons. Creating a file for each message and placing ideas in it (on your desk or on your computer) helps the preacher expand the material to be used in the sermon(s).

Some sermons I preached had been planned months in advance. I gathered material across many weeks. By the time I came to fully outlining and preaching the message, I usually had far more material than I could possibly use. Instead of struggling at the last minute with a sermon, especially when I had a week of incredibly busy and unexpected activity, I had material available to help me prepare my message. I suggest the idea to all preachers of the Word.

I hope this sermon series idea is helpful and perhaps it will stir your interest toward an idea of your own, or you may just develop your sermons based on the idea I am sharing. As always, my desire is to help and assist you as you serve our wonderful Lord by preaching His Word week after week.



Sermon Series Title: The Reposing Redeemer

Other possible sermon series titles: (The Lounging Lord) (When Jesus Lay Down) (What A Savior!) [When I shared this sermon series idea with Dr. David E. Owen, he suggested the title: He Wont Take It Lying Down - that is another great idea.]

How many times did Jesus lie down, as recorded in the New Testament? Certainly he had to lie down to sleep and, no doubt, He did so on other occasions, but we are interested here in the number of times this act is recorded in the Bible. Over the next five weeks, right up till the week of Easter, we will look at five times the Bible records Jesus lying down.

We begin with the first one, which occurs in Luke 2 when Mary laid Jesus in the manger. This thought led me to a series of five messages leading up to and ending on Easter.

Sermon 1

In the Manger we see the Love of God

Mary wrapped Jesus in Swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. Here we see Jesus as he is lying in a manger.

John 3:16 – Jesus came into the world because of love.

Jesus in the manger speaks to us of the meekness and condescension revealed in God’s love for us. The lay down His scepter, robe and crown and came to this sin-cursed earth for sinners like us. He came into this world as we came into it – by birth. Yes, His birth was by a virgin named Mary, but He was an infant like all other babies born into this world. Is there anything weaker than an infant? A baby cannot walk or talk. A baby cannot express in words what it needs and wants. Neither can a baby provide for a single, solitary need in life. He is totally dependent on another. Jesus came as an infant to identify fully with us. He was like us in all ways, facing every temptation, yet without sin. What a Savior.

Sermon 2

In the Boat we see the Peace of God

Jesus slept in the boat while a storm raged. The disciples were disturbed but Jesus was at peace. Of course, at their request, he rose and stilled the storm with his word! Jesus seeks to give us this rest in the storms of life. Jesus said to His disciples, “My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives…” The Lord came to give us His peace. This is a real need in our world, and a special need among God's people.

Sermon 3

In the Upper Room we see the Servant of God

He is the God of all comfort. Jesus reclined with His disciples, but not before He served them by washing their feet. He ordered them to act toward one another as he had acted toward them. In God’s work, there are no heroes. God is not a respecter of persons. Some may be chosen for great glory in the eyes of men, but we are all mere servants in the eyes of God.

1. The Servant Must be Aware of Need

(Jesus saw that no one had performed the task of washing feet.)

2. The Servant May be Alone by Necessity

(No one rose to help Jesus, but He competed the task anyway.)

3. The Servant Ministers to Affirm His Nature

(The divine nature prompts one to serve – The Holy Spirit leads one to serve – The spiritual instinct and nature of God’s people must be like that of Jesus!)

Another idea for this sermon revolves around Jesus reclining with His disciples. What did He teach there? What did He reveal? Why did He institute the Lord’s Supper? How did the disciples feel when He told them one of them was going to betray Him? Note the comfort Jesus was seeking to give them even though He was soon to be arrested, falsely tried and brutally crucified. There are numerous ways to approach this message.

Sermon 4

In the Tomb we see the Grace of God

Jesus was crucified and laid in the borrowed tomb. His death revealed the amazing grace of God toward us. Without His death, there is no forgiveness of sin. He took our penalty, paid our debt and suffered our death. There are so many ideas around the awful death of our Lord that is it impossible to relate them here. The main idea is to relate the grace of God revealed in the death and burial of our Lord. Of course, the preacher can preach on the cross, the blood, the sacrifice, the sins (our sins) that sent Him to the cross, the nails (the love) that held Him to the cross, and many other ideas surrounding His death and burial.

Sermon 5

In His Resurrection – Jesus is Standing - He will never lie down again!

Jesus is Lord, but He came into this earth to “lay” down His life. Through His resurrection He rose to reign forever. In heaven He walks on the sea of glass and takes the scroll from the hand of God – the saints erupt in a song: Worthy is the Lamb. He walks among the churches and notes our condition. He rides the clouds to come for His saints. He rides the great stallion of victory against Satan. He abides forever with those who have received Him. In heaven, there is no night. Jesus will never lie down again!