Bob Rogers

Bob Rogers
Bob Rogers
First Baptist Church
201 E. 6th Street
Rincon, GA31326

Dr. Bob Rogers has been pastor of First Baptist Church of Rincon, in suburban Savannah, Georgia, since 1999. During his pastorate from 1999 to the present, church membership has grown from 1,200 to 1,700, morning worship attendance has doubled from 450 to 900, and the church has started a mission church that is now self-supporting. Before coming to Georgia, he pastored churches in Mississippi for 19 years.

Rogers graduated from Mississippi College (B.A., 1980), and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (M.Div., 1983; Th.D. 1990). He served as a trustee of the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2000 to 2008. He has written Sunday School lessons frequently for LifeWay, and writes a weekly column, "Holy Humor," that is syndicated in several newspapers.

He has been very involved in social issues, including county-wide leadership in three efforts against liquor referendums, twice defeating liquor. He and his wife Mary are big sports fans, and love watching their son Wade play basketball at Effingham County High School. They have two grown daughters: Melissa, who is married and teaches fourth grade Virginia, and Lauren, who is a student at Mississippi College, preparing herself for youth ministry.

<>< Bob Rogers, pastor
First Baptist Church, Rincon, Georgia
(912) 826-5536 (office)
(912) 826-0811 (minister on call)

Title Book/Chapter/Verse Subject
The Sons of Thunder Get an Attitude Adjustment Luke  9 :46-56 Attitude; Unity; Love; Christian Living

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