Getting Ahead in the New Year

Bible Book: 1 Corinthians  15 : 58
Subject: New Year; Christian Living; Living, Victorious

Do you see yourself getting ahead in the New Year? Unfortunately most people will see themselves worse off by the time we see January 1, 2008 than now. They’ll have ended a marriage or be on the verge of doing so. They’ll have stretched themselves to the financial breaking point or started new harmful habits, Many will have written a page in their life’s diary that they’ll forever regret. But even more serious is the fact that thousands of people who have professed faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will not be walking with the Him in the strength they are now! How can we prevent a disastrous New Year?

I. We need an adjusted life, vs. 58.

A. The why of our adjustment, vs. 58.

Therefore… vs. 58. When you see the word therefore in God’s word you always look above it to see what it’s there for. Verse 57 explains it all, But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let me make this simple for you. There’s not a saved person here today that cannot end this coming year better off than they started it! Because Jesus is the victory over a bad marriage, over bad finances, over harmful habits and over straying off your spiritual pathway! Not only do we see the why of our adjustment we also see the way of our adjustment.

B. The way of our adjustment, vs. 58.

…my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable… vs. 58.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3. Easy? Listen! The word stedfast is a predicate adjective. It describes something you do but it’s a little more than that. In the Greek it’s in the anarthrous case which means quality. It means I will continue in all the Lord has shown me with the purpose of glorifying Christ! This is not a year to give up but rather a year to get up and realize that God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! The word unmoveable is a predicate nominative which means there’s an assertion about the subject. Who’s the subject? …brethren… us! How are we to move? We’re not, we’re unmoveable! This simply asserts that nothing will convince me against my convictions! Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. God gives the victory! Don’t start that habit – don’t write that page in the diary of your life that you’ll always regret! Not only do we see the why of our adjustment and the way of our adjustment we also see the when of our adjustment.

C. The when of our adjustment, vs. 58.

…always abounding in the work of the Lord… vs. 58. The word always means at all times. Forever. The word abounding is a present active particle that means you don’t quit! The actual Greek word is per is syoo o. It means to go beyond the limits, stretching yourself for God! Do a little more than expected! If you want to end this year better than you began be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. It’s not seeing how little we can do and still get to heaven. Not only do we need an adjusted life we will receive a rewarded life.

II. We will receive a rewarded life, vs. 58.

A. How we shall reach, vs. 58.

…know that your labour is not in vain… vs. 58. How do I reach further this year? Know that my labour is not in vain! This is the promise of God! I didn’t come here today to give you a promise, I came here to give you the Word of God! The word labour illustrates something many of us are not used to – work! When it comes to God work is not a four-letter word. It’s an eight-letter word – blessing! We not only see how we shall reach but also what we shall reap.

B. What we shall reap, vs. 58.

…not in vain… vs. 58. If it’s not in vain then what shall we reap? A better marriage and better wisdom. How to control our finances, our life and our walk with God! It’s up to you. You have to decide now how this year will end. Don’t say, Nobody knows what the future holds. God knows and He says the end can be better than the beginning! It’s our choice!