Operation Andrew

Bible Book: John  1 : 35-42
Subject: Evangelism; Operation Andrew

Operation Andrew—What does It Take To Bring People to Jesus?

Andrew was a person who specialized in bringing people to Jesus1. Andrew’s Characteristics John 1:40

Andrew was never known as a great teacher, preacher or scholar.A. His Name

Andrew means “man.” He was the ordinary disciple. Peter Marshall called him the “Saint of the rank and file.”

B. His Notoriety

Andrew was a rather obscure disciple. He was referred to as “Simon Peter’s brother,” but we must remember it was Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus.

2. Andrew’s Conversion John 1:35-39

Andrew met Jesus through the witness of his friend John the Baptist.A. God Used A Respected Associate

Andrew believed John’s witness concerning Jesus because he was a respected friend.

B. God Used A Redemptive Analogy

John used an analogy every Jewish person understood by referring to “the lamb of God.” The great difference was this “Lamb” would “take away” not just cover sin.

C. God Used A Relational Approach

John - Andrew - Jesus. 80% of those who come forward at a Billy Graham Crusade are brought by a friend. God uses relationships to bring people into a relationship with Jesus.3. Andrew’s Concern John 1:40-42; 6:8; 12:20-22

After Andrew met Jesus his great concern was to bring others to Jesus.

A. He brought Simon Peter to Jesus John 1:40-42

1. His priority: the first thing

2. His procedure: find, tell, bring

B. He brought a boy to Jesus John 6:8
C. He brought some Greek people to Jesus John 12:20-22
Conclusion: Lessons From Andrew

· God uses ordinary people in extraordinary ways.

· Relationships are the key to bring people to Christ.

· Everyone can minister as Andrew did.

Explain the steps involved in Operation Andrew:

A. Have your congregation take time to list on their Operation Andrew Brochure at least two names of people they are willing to pray for and invite to the Billy Graham Crusade.

B. Encourage each person to begin developing friendships with those for whom they are praying.

C. Have a time of prayer asking God to move in people's lives in the days and months leading up to the Crusade.