The Results of Faith

Bible Book: Romans  5 : 1-11
Subject: Faith; Salvation; Joy in Redemption

The Results of Faith

Dr. J. Mike Minnix, editor,

Romans 5:1-11, "Since we have been made right with God by our faith, we have peace with God. This happened through our Lord Jesus Christ, who through our faith has brought us into that blessing of God’s grace that we now enjoy. And we are happy because of the hope we have of sharing God’s glory. We also have joy with our troubles, because we know that these troubles produce patience. And patience produces character, and character produces hope. And this hope will never disappoint us, because God has poured out his love to fill our hearts. He gave us his love through the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to us. When we were unable to help ourselves, at the right time, Christ died for us, although we were living against God. Very few people will die to save the life of someone else. Although perhaps for a good person someone might possibly die. But God shows his great love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were still sinners. So through Christ we will surely be saved from God’s anger, because we have been made right with God by the blood of Christ’s death. 10 While we were God’s enemies, he made us his friends through the death of his Son. Surely, now that we are his friends, he will save us through his Son’s life. 11 And not only that, but now we are also very happy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we are now God’s friends again."

In chapter four Paul wrote about the fact that faith is necessary for salvation.  In essence, we learned of THE REQUIREMENT OF FAITH.  Now we come to analyze THE RESULTS OF FAITH in Romans, chapter 5.

Paul has instructed us that justification comes through faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  With this justification comes other blessings and benefits from God.

I read somewhere long ago a story that is likely true, for many people left their homes in the search for gold or silver. The story is told of an aged silver miner who spent all his life searching for silver in the mountains of the Old West. He became so obsessed with his search that his wife and children left him. When he died the handful of people who came to bury him found in his possessions a note instructing them to bury him under his cabin. As the earth was overturned a lustrous gray material began to appear. It became known as one of the largest silver discoveries in California history. The miner had been a millionaire all his life but he had never been able to claim his wealth. Whether true or not, there are many lives just like that miner. People seeking purpose and fortune never realizing how close it really is. The Bible teaches us that anyone can become a spiritual billionaire through faith in Christ. Your purpose for living is as close as your very breath, for God loves you and He sent His Son, Jesus, to save you and grant you real meaning in your life. Those of us who have placed our faith in Him have found our fortune. But like the miner story I shared, if you die without Christ you die having missed the riches you desire.

Let me share today some of the benefits which we derive from knowing Jesus as Savior - the riches we have because faith in Christ has the justified us before God.

The text reveals to us that ...


Romans 5:1

The angels sang at Jesus birth, "Peace on earth, good will toward men (Luke 2:14)."  The peace they sang about was not just peace between countries, or peace between persons, but peace between God and man.  The Greek word is "irene."  It is used over seventy-five times in the New Testament and has a two-fold element.

A. Peace that has a SEAL

First, it is something Sealed. This creates a condition that is fixed and, therefore, brings peace that is beyond human words. Jesus spoke of this example in Luke 14:31-33.  A person who realizes it is futile to make war against a greater foe will sue for peace. He will seal the peace in order to save himself from the sure destruction that awaits unless he does so. Jesus said that salvation peace is like that. We have our peace sealed with God through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. This seal is one that cannot be broken, for we don't hold onto it - rather, it holds onto us. Or, better yet, the Holy Spirit is the SEAL and HE holds onto us.

B. Peace that one can FEEL

Second, divine peace is something you Feel. This heavenly, divine peace creates emotions which lift our spirits and encourage us in this sinful world. Peace is a tranquil emotional state granting that which is pleasant and serene. The person who has God's assurance of justification has no need of being frightened concerning life or death - concerning death or judgment. There is no need in the sealed saint for a life of guilt or shame. There is to be peace in our hearts and minds because of the fact that God has done something for us, to us and in us that are sealed forever.

Imagine a person who has an blood artery opened in an accident and the life is slowing seeping out of that individual. Somone comes along and stops the bleeding and SEALS the wound. The blood is contained and life is restored. Now, think of the peace of God granted to the wounded person. That sigh of relief is not nearly as great as the one we have in Christ. We are to live, rejoice and serve in that peace that He has given us.

The first of the two elements of peace is fixed when one is saved, but the second peace (the feeling) is changeable. You can lose the feeling of peace, and it is a shame when that happens. God would have us live in a state of constant peace with Him - a peace we can feel, enjoy and reveal to others. See Philippians 4:4-13.

Now, note with me that ...


Romans 5:2

A. A Gained Position

This is a Gained position. The idea here is one of having obtained something that has been to us as a special position. Certainly we do not deserve to stand in the position of grace with God, but nonetheless it is ours through Christ. We gained it through Him, for He alone provided it for those who believe. Faith makes us right with God, and places us in a position that is so much needed and only available through the WAY - JESUS. Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father but by ME." Oh, the wonder of the position we have as Christians.

B. A Glorious Position

This is a Glorious position. Why? Because we will be standing in this position of grace when we come to stand before our God one day in the future. We will have this position for eternity.   


Romans 5:3-8

We see how God Loves us. God has affirmed us and shown in it in the love He has shown us. He loved us while we were yet sinners. He died for us when we were undeserving and powerless.  He loved us and will always love us!

We see how God Leads us. Knowing that God has loved us so much that He gave His only Son for our salvation, we can now face life with all its "sufferings" with the awareness that difficult circumstances rightly encountered will lead to greater hope. This hope will do nothing but make us more appreciative of the love of God. It is a great cycle which continues to bring us closer to God and more into the image of His dear Son.


Romans 5:9-11

A reconciliation has been made which invokes praise from God's children. We have been reconciled to God. To be reconciled means to be reunited with God. Christ brought His Father and lost humanity together through His death on the cross.

I am reminded of an incident which occured years ago of a mother who was dying. Some time prior her son and husband had gotten into a violent arguement and their son left saying he would never return. The father had said good riddance to the son, but when the mother learned she was terminal she called for the boy to come home and see her before she died. The boy came into the room where his mother was still alive but was very close to death. He approached her bed and took her hand. On the other side of the room was the father who was estranged from his son. He was holding the other hand of his wife. The wife and mother slowly began to pull their hands together. As their hands touched, the two men clasped hands and quickly they walked to the end of the bed with tears running down their faces as they hugged each other. Then they turned to the dear mother and wife who had brought them back together only to find that their union was has last earthly act. She was dead!

Jesus died on the cross and met the righteous demands of a holy God. He took our sinful hands and put them in the hand of God and brought us together. We are reconciled to God and this union produces endless praise.

A great and wonderful reunion day with our God is yet to experienced, but it has been planned. On the great day of God's wrath, we will be saved. After all, God having given us all things will not withhold his greatest blessing from us. We will praise Him in the heavenly kingdom on that great and glorious day. The full and complete peace of God will be ours.